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"Mycelium," short story, PRISM International (Fall 2021)
Book review of Borderline (Marie-Sissi Labreche, Anvil 2020) and Daughter of Here (Ioana Georgescu, Linda Leith 2020) forthcoming in EVENT Magazine (Fall 2021)
"New Normal Board Games," humour piece, forthcoming in Geist (Fall 2021)
"Nini," short story, HELD Magazine (Generations, July 2021)
Book review of Here the Dark (David Bergen, Bibliosasis 2020), The Fiddlehead (Summer 2021)
"Layers and Layers," micro-climate story, Imagining Climates Project, U of Guelph (2021)
"Monsters Made of Buildings Made of People Made of Paper," flash fiction, The Quarantine Review (Issue 7, 2021)
College of Arts Graduate Research and Travel Award, U of Guelph (Fall 2020; Winter 2021).
“The Kite to my Spool,” chapbook of five short stories, finalist for Split/Lip Press's Chapbook Contest (2020)
“Birds, Bongs, and Briefs,” short story, Black Bear Review, Selkirk College (March 2020)
"A Chorus of Injuries," devised theatre performance; writer and director (Becca McDonald show, Rossland BC, Winter Carnival, January 25 2020)
“Neverland: a Ski Town Musical,” original long-form musical comedy; writer, director, producer (Rossland BC, April 12-13 2019)
“Time and a Place,” short story, Existere (Issue 38.1, Winter 2019)
“Cabin in the Woods,” short story, longlisted for The Fiddlehead's Short Fiction contest judged by Carrianne Leung (2018)
“K to 7,” personal essay, Geist (Issue 110, Fall 2018)
"Sports in Rossland Are So Hard," winner of original song category, Echoes of Rossland Competition, Rossland Council for Arts and Culture (2017)
“Kootenays 3 AM,” short story, second place in Kootenay Literary Competition, Nelson BC (2016)
“Expo '67: An Image of Unity, an Image of Diversity," academic essay, The Atlas: UBC Undergraduate Journal of World History, University of British Columbia (2011)
"Annanymity," short story reading at Emerging Writers Reading Series (October 11, 2020)
“Marni Found a House,” short story reading, Night Growlers Poetry and Prose Reading, Black Bear Review, Selkirk College (The Dam Inn, Nelson BC, November 2019)
"Matty Under the Table and Through the Window," short story reading at Richard Kemick's book launch for I Am Herod (Goose Lane 2019, launched in Rossland BC, October 10 2019)
"Elsie Seabird Flies Away," experimental reading from novel-in-progress at Avant Garde Cabaret (Rossland BC, June 1 2019)
Musical performance of two original songs, Joe Hill Night (Rossland BC, February 2017)
“We Drove East,” novel-in-progress excerpt reading at Michael Henderson’s book launch for The Playing Card (Paperhound Bookstore, Vancouver BC, October 2013)
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